Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
add_coordination_number_derivs | dftd4_ncoord | Subroutine | |
allocate | dftd4_compat | Subroutine | |
ascii_atomic_radii | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
ascii_atomic_references | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
ascii_damping_param | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
ascii_pairwise | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
ascii_results | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
ascii_system_properties | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
blas_gemv | dftd4_blas | Interface | Performs one of the matrix-vector operations |
c_f_character | dftd4_api | Subroutine | |
calculate_distances | dftd4_compat | Subroutine | |
check_error_api | dftd4_api | Function | Check error handle status |
custom_d4_model_api | dftd4_api | Function | Create new custom D4 dispersion model |
custom_d4s_model_api | dftd4_api | Function | Create new custom D4S dispersion model |
d4_calculation | dftd4_compat | Subroutine | |
d4_dgemv | dftd4_blas | Subroutine | |
d4_dgemv312 | dftd4_blas | Subroutine | |
d4_dgemv321 | dftd4_blas | Subroutine | |
d4_gemv | dftd4_blas | Interface | Performs one of the matrix-vector operations |
d4_sgemv | dftd4_blas | Subroutine | |
d4_sgemv312 | dftd4_blas | Subroutine | |
d4_sgemv321 | dftd4_blas | Subroutine | |
d4par | dftd4_compat | Subroutine | |
delete_error_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Delete error handle object |
delete_model_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Delete dispersion model |
delete_param_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Delete damping parameters |
delete_structure_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Delete molecular structure data |
derf_count | dftd4_ncoord | Function | Derivative of the counting function w.r.t. the distance. |
dlat_to_cell | dftd4_compat | Subroutine | |
dlat_to_dvol | dftd4_compat | Function | |
dlat_to_rlat | dftd4_compat | Subroutine | |
dzeta | dftd4_model_utils | Function | derivative of charge scaling function w.r.t. charge |
erf_count | dftd4_ncoord | Function | Error function counting function for coordination number contributions. |
f_c_character | dftd4_api | Subroutine | |
generate_wsc | compat.f90 | Subroutine | |
get_atm_dispersion | dftd4_damping_atm | Subroutine | Evaluation of the dispersion energy expression |
get_atm_dispersion_derivs | dftd4_damping_atm | Subroutine | Evaluation of the dispersion energy expression |
get_atm_dispersion_energy | dftd4_damping_atm | Subroutine | Evaluation of the dispersion energy expression |
get_atomic_c6 | dftd4_model_d4s | Subroutine | Calculate atomic dispersion coefficients and their derivatives w.r.t. the coordination numbers and atomic partial charges. |
get_atomic_c6 | dftd4_model_d4 | Subroutine | Calculate atomic dispersion coefficients and their derivatives w.r.t. the coordination numbers and atomic partial charges. |
get_charges | dftd4_charge | Subroutine | Obtain charges from electronegativity equilibration model |
get_coordination_number | dftd4_ncoord | Subroutine | Geometric fractional coordination number, supports error function counting. |
get_covalent_rad | dftd4_data_covrad | Interface | Covalent radii for DFT-D3 coordination number |
get_covalent_rad_num | dftd4_data_covrad | Function | Get covalent radius for a given atomic number |
get_covalent_rad_sym | dftd4_data_covrad | Function | Get covalent radius for a given element symbol |
get_d4eeq_bj_parameter | dftd4_param | Subroutine | |
get_d4eeq_bjatm_parameter | dftd4_param | Subroutine | |
get_dftd4_version | dftd4_version | Subroutine | Getter function to retrieve dftd4 version |
get_dispersion | dftd4_disp | Subroutine | Wrapper to handle the evaluation of dispersion energy and derivatives |
get_dispersion2 | dftd4_damping_rational | Subroutine | Evaluation of the dispersion energy expression |
get_dispersion3 | dftd4_damping_rational | Subroutine | Evaluation of the dispersion energy expression |
get_dispersion_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Calculate dispersion |
get_dispersion_derivs | dftd4_damping_rational | Subroutine | Evaluation of the dispersion energy expression |
get_dispersion_energy | dftd4_damping_rational | Subroutine | Evaluation of the dispersion energy expression |
get_dispersion_hessian | dftd4_numdiff | Subroutine | Evaluate hessian matrix by numerical differention |
get_effective_charge | dftd4_data_zeff | Interface | |
get_effective_charge_num | dftd4_data_zeff | Function | Get effective nuclear charge for a given atomic number |
get_effective_charge_sym | dftd4_data_zeff | Function | Get effective nuclear charge for a given element symbol |
get_electronegativity | dftd4_data_en | Interface | |
get_electronegativity_num | dftd4_data_en | Function | Get electronegativity for a given atomic number |
get_electronegativity_sym | dftd4_data_en | Function | Get electronegativity for a given element symbol |
get_error_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Get error message from error handle |
get_functional_id | dftd4_param | Function | Get the unique identifier for most functionals, returns none if the functional was not known at the time I implemented this mapping |
get_functionals | dftd4_param | Subroutine | Collect all supported functionals |
get_hardness | dftd4_data_hardness | Interface | |
get_hardness_num | dftd4_data_hardness | Function | Get chemical hardness for a given atomic number |
get_hardness_sym | dftd4_data_hardness | Function | Get chemical hardness for a given element symbol |
get_lattice_points | dftd4_cutoff | Interface | |
get_lattice_points_cutoff | dftd4_cutoff | Subroutine | Create lattice points within a given cutoff |
get_lattice_points_rep_3d | dftd4_cutoff | Subroutine | Generate lattice points from repeatitions |
get_nref | dftd4_reference | Interface | |
get_nref_num | dftd4_reference | Function | Get number of references for a given atomic number |
get_nref_sym | dftd4_reference | Function | Get number of references for a given element symbol |
get_numerical_hessian_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Calculate hessian numerically |
get_pairwise_dispersion | dftd4_disp | Subroutine | Wrapper to handle the evaluation of pairwise representation of the dispersion energy |
get_pairwise_dispersion2 | dftd4_damping_rational | Subroutine | Evaluation of the dispersion energy expression projected on atomic pairs |
get_pairwise_dispersion3 | dftd4_damping_rational | Subroutine | Evaluation of the dispersion energy expression |
get_pairwise_dispersion_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Calculate pairwise representation of dispersion energy |
get_polarizibilities | dftd4_model_d4s | Subroutine | Calculate atomic polarizibilities and their derivatives w.r.t. the coordination numbers and atomic partial charges. |
get_polarizibilities | dftd4_model_d4 | Subroutine | Calculate atomic polarizibilities and their derivatives w.r.t. the coordination numbers and atomic partial charges. |
get_properties | dftd4_disp | Subroutine | Wrapper to handle the evaluation of properties related to this dispersion model |
get_properties_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Calculate dispersion |
get_r4r2_val | dftd4_data_r4r2 | Interface | Get r4/r2 expectation value |
get_r4r2_val_num | dftd4_data_r4r2 | Function | Get r4/r2 expectation value for a given atomic number |
get_r4r2_val_sym | dftd4_data_r4r2 | Function | Get r4/r2 expectation value for a given element symbol |
get_rational_damping | dftd4_param | Interface | Retrieve rational damping parameters from functional name or ID |
get_rational_damping_id | dftd4_param | Subroutine | Retrieve rational damping parameters from functional ID |
get_rational_damping_name | dftd4_param | Subroutine | Retrieve rational damping parameters from functional name |
get_translations | dftd4_cutoff | Subroutine | Generate a supercell based on a realspace cutoff, this subroutine doesn’t know anything about the convergence behaviour of the associated property. |
get_version_api | dftd4_api | Function | Obtain library version as major * 10000 + minor + 100 + patch |
get_wfpair_val | dftd4_data_wfpair | Interface | Get pairwise CN weighting factors |
get_wfpair_val_num | dftd4_data_wfpair | Function | Get pairwise CN weighting factor for a given atomic number pair |
get_wfpair_val_sym | dftd4_data_wfpair | Function | Get pairwise CN weighting factor for a given element symbol pair |
getline | dftd4_output | Subroutine | reads a line from unit into an allocatable character |
is_exceptional | dftd4_model_utils | Function | Check whether we are dealing with an exceptional value, NaN or Inf |
json_results | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
load_rational_damping_api | dftd4_api | Function | Load rational damping parameters from internal storage |
lowercase | dftd4_utils | Function | Convert string to lower case |
ncoord_derf | dftd4_ncoord | Subroutine | |
ncoord_erf | dftd4_ncoord | Subroutine | |
new_d4_model | dftd4_model_d4 | Interface | Create new D4 dispersion model from molecular structure input |
new_d4_model_api | dftd4_api | Function | Create new D4 dispersion model |
new_d4_model_no_checks | dftd4_model_d4 | Subroutine | Create new dispersion model from molecular structure input without checking for supported elements (old/compatibility version) |
new_d4_model_with_checks | dftd4_model_d4 | Subroutine | Create new D4 dispersion model from molecular structure input |
new_d4s_model | dftd4_model_d4s | Interface | Create new D4 dispersion model from molecular structure input |
new_d4s_model_api | dftd4_api | Function | Create new D4S dispersion model |
new_d4s_model_no_checks | dftd4_model_d4s | Subroutine | Create new dispersion model from molecular structure input without checking for supported elements (old/compatibility version) |
new_d4s_model_with_checks | dftd4_model_d4s | Subroutine | Create new D4S dispersion model from molecular structure input |
new_error_api | dftd4_api | Function | Create new error handle object |
new_funcgroup | dftd4_param | Function | Create a new group of functional names |
new_rational_damping_api | dftd4_api | Function | Create new rational damping parameters |
new_structure_api | dftd4_api | Function | Create new molecular structure data (quantities in Bohr) |
set_refalpha_eeq | dftd4_reference | Interface | |
set_refalpha_eeq_num | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference polarizibility for an atomic number |
set_refalpha_eeq_sym | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference polarizibility for an element symbol |
set_refalpha_gfn2 | dftd4_reference | Interface | |
set_refalpha_gfn2_num | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference polarizibility for an atomic number |
set_refalpha_gfn2_sym | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference polarizibility for an element symbol |
set_refcn | dftd4_reference | Interface | |
set_refcn_num | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference coordination numbers for an atomic number |
set_refcn_sym | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference coordination numbers for an element symbol |
set_refgw | dftd4_reference | Interface | |
set_refgw_num | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the number of gaussian weights for an atomic number |
set_refgw_sym | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the number of gaussian weights for an element symbol |
set_refq_eeq | dftd4_reference | Interface | |
set_refq_eeq_num | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference partial charges for an atomic number |
set_refq_eeq_sym | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference partial charges for an element symbol |
set_refq_gfn2 | dftd4_reference | Interface | |
set_refq_gfn2_num | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference partial charges for an atomic number |
set_refq_gfn2_sym | dftd4_reference | Subroutine | Set the reference partial charges for an element symbol |
shift_back_abc | dftd4_utils | Function | |
tagged_result | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
trapzd | dftd4_model_utils | Function | numerical Casimir–Polder integration |
triple_scale | dftd4_damping_rational | Function | Logic exercise to distribute a triple energy to atomwise energies. |
triple_scale | dftd4_damping_atm | Function | Logic exercise to distribute a triple energy to atomwise energies. |
turbomole_gradient | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
turbomole_gradlatt | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
update_structure_api | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Update coordinates and lattice parameters (quantities in Bohr) |
verify_structure | dftd4_api | Subroutine | Cold fusion check |
weight_cn | dftd4_model_utils | Function | |
weight_references | dftd4_model_d4s | Subroutine | Calculate the weights of the reference system and the derivatives w.r.t. coordination number for later use. |
weight_references | dftd4_model_d4 | Subroutine | Calculate the weights of the reference system and the derivatives w.r.t. coordination number for later use. |
wrap_back | dftd4_compat | Subroutine | |
wrap_to_central_cell | dftd4_utils | Subroutine | |
write_json_array | dftd4_output | Subroutine | |
zeta | dftd4_model_utils | Function | charge scaling function |
zeta | dftd4_reference | Function | charge scaling function |