get_translations Subroutine

private pure subroutine get_translations(lat, rthr, rep)

Generate a supercell based on a realspace cutoff, this subroutine doesn’t know anything about the convergence behaviour of the associated property.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: lat(3,3)
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: rthr
integer, intent(out) :: rep(3)

Source Code

pure subroutine get_translations(lat, rthr, rep)
   real(wp), intent(in) :: rthr
   real(wp), intent(in) :: lat(3, 3)
   integer, intent(out) :: rep(3)
   real(wp) :: normx(3), normy(3), normz(3)
   real(wp) :: cos10, cos21, cos32

   ! find normal to the plane...
   call crossproduct(lat(:, 2), lat(:, 3), normx)
   call crossproduct(lat(:, 3), lat(:, 1), normy)
   call crossproduct(lat(:, 1), lat(:, 2), normz)
   ! ...normalize it...
   normx = normx/norm2(normx)
   normy = normy/norm2(normy)
   normz = normz/norm2(normz)
   ! cos angles between normals and lattice vectors
   cos10 = sum(normx*lat(:, 1))
   cos21 = sum(normy*lat(:, 2))
   cos32 = sum(normz*lat(:, 3))
   rep(1) = ceiling(abs(rthr/cos10))
   rep(2) = ceiling(abs(rthr/cos21))
   rep(3) = ceiling(abs(rthr/cos32))


   pure subroutine crossproduct(a, b, c)
      real(wp), intent(in) :: a(3)
      real(wp), intent(in) :: b(3)
      real(wp), intent(out) :: c(3)
   end subroutine crossproduct

end subroutine get_translations