blas.F90 Source File

Source Code

! This file is part of dftd4.
! SPDX-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
! dftd4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
! the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! dftd4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
! along with dftd4.  If not, see <>.

!> Interface to BLAS library

#ifndef IK
#define IK i4

module dftd4_blas
   use mctc_env, only : sp, dp, ik => IK
   implicit none

   public :: d4_gemv, blas_gemv

   !> Performs one of the matrix-vector operations
   !>    y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A**T*x + beta*y,
   !> where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
   !> m by n matrix.
   interface d4_gemv
      module procedure :: d4_sgemv
      module procedure :: d4_dgemv
      module procedure :: d4_sgemv312
      module procedure :: d4_sgemv321
      module procedure :: d4_dgemv312
      module procedure :: d4_dgemv321
   end interface d4_gemv

   !> Performs one of the matrix-vector operations
   !>    y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A**T*x + beta*y,
   !> where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
   !> m by n matrix.
   interface blas_gemv
      pure subroutine sgemv(trans, m, n, alpha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy)
         import :: sp, ik
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: lda
         real(sp), intent(in) :: a(lda, *)
         real(sp), intent(in) :: x(*)
         real(sp), intent(inout) :: y(*)
         real(sp), intent(in) :: alpha
         real(sp), intent(in) :: beta
         character(len=1), intent(in) :: trans
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: incx
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: incy
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: m
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: n
      end subroutine sgemv
      pure subroutine dgemv(trans, m, n, alpha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy)
         import :: dp, ik
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: lda
         real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda, *)
         real(dp), intent(in) :: x(*)
         real(dp), intent(inout) :: y(*)
         real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
         real(dp), intent(in) :: beta
         character(len=1), intent(in) :: trans
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: incx
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: incy
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: m
         integer(ik), intent(in) :: n
      end subroutine dgemv
   end interface blas_gemv


subroutine d4_sgemv312(amat, xvec, yvec, alpha, beta, trans)
   real(sp), intent(in), contiguous, target :: amat(:, :, :)
   real(sp), intent(in) :: xvec(:)
   real(sp), intent(inout), contiguous, target :: yvec(:, :)
   real(sp), intent(in), optional :: alpha
   real(sp), intent(in), optional :: beta
   character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: trans
   real(sp), pointer :: aptr(:, :), yptr(:)
   character(len=1) :: tra
   if (present(trans)) then
      tra = trans
      tra = 'n'
   end if
   if (any(tra == ['n', 'N'])) then
      aptr(1:size(amat, 1)*size(amat, 2), 1:size(amat, 3)) => amat
      yptr(1:size(yvec, 1)*size(yvec, 2)) => yvec
      aptr(1:size(amat, 1), 1:size(amat, 2)*size(amat, 3)) => amat
      yptr(1:size(yvec, 1) * size(yvec, 2)) => yvec
   end if
   call d4_gemv(aptr, xvec, yptr, alpha, beta, tra)
end subroutine d4_sgemv312

subroutine d4_sgemv321(amat, xvec, yvec, alpha, beta, trans)
   real(sp), intent(in), contiguous, target :: amat(:, :, :)
   real(sp), intent(in), contiguous, target :: xvec(:, :)
   real(sp), intent(inout) :: yvec(:)
   real(sp), intent(in), optional :: alpha
   real(sp), intent(in), optional :: beta
   character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: trans
   real(sp), pointer :: aptr(:, :), xptr(:)
   character(len=1) :: tra
   if (present(trans)) then
      tra = trans
      tra = 'n'
   end if
   if (any(tra == ['n', 'N'])) then
      aptr(1:size(amat, 1), 1:size(amat, 2)*size(amat, 3)) => amat
      xptr(1:size(xvec, 1)*size(xvec, 2)) => xvec
      aptr(1:size(amat, 1)*size(amat, 2), 1:size(amat, 3)) => amat
      xptr(1:size(xvec, 1) * size(xvec, 2)) => xvec
   end if
   call d4_gemv(aptr, xptr, yvec, alpha, beta, tra)
end subroutine d4_sgemv321

subroutine d4_dgemv312(amat, xvec, yvec, alpha, beta, trans)
   real(dp), intent(in), contiguous, target :: amat(:, :, :)
   real(dp), intent(in) :: xvec(:)
   real(dp), intent(inout), contiguous, target :: yvec(:, :)
   real(dp), intent(in), optional :: alpha
   real(dp), intent(in), optional :: beta
   character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: trans
   real(dp), pointer :: aptr(:, :), yptr(:)
   character(len=1) :: tra
   if (present(trans)) then
      tra = trans
      tra = 'n'
   end if
   if (any(tra == ['n', 'N'])) then
      aptr(1:size(amat, 1)*size(amat, 2), 1:size(amat, 3)) => amat
      yptr(1:size(yvec, 1)*size(yvec, 2)) => yvec
      aptr(1:size(amat, 1), 1:size(amat, 2)*size(amat, 3)) => amat
      yptr(1:size(yvec, 1) * size(yvec, 2)) => yvec
   end if
   call d4_gemv(aptr, xvec, yptr, alpha, beta, tra)
end subroutine d4_dgemv312

subroutine d4_dgemv321(amat, xvec, yvec, alpha, beta, trans)
   real(dp), intent(in), contiguous, target :: amat(:, :, :)
   real(dp), intent(in), contiguous, target :: xvec(:, :)
   real(dp), intent(inout) :: yvec(:)
   real(dp), intent(in), optional :: alpha
   real(dp), intent(in), optional :: beta
   character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: trans
   real(dp), pointer :: aptr(:, :), xptr(:)
   character(len=1) :: tra
   if (present(trans)) then
      tra = trans
      tra = 'n'
   end if
   if (any(tra == ['n', 'N'])) then
      aptr(1:size(amat, 1), 1:size(amat, 2)*size(amat, 3)) => amat
      xptr(1:size(xvec, 1)*size(xvec, 2)) => xvec
      aptr(1:size(amat, 1)*size(amat, 2), 1:size(amat, 3)) => amat
      xptr(1:size(xvec, 1) * size(xvec, 2)) => xvec
   end if
   call d4_gemv(aptr, xptr, yvec, alpha, beta, tra)
end subroutine d4_dgemv321

pure subroutine d4_sgemv(amat, xvec, yvec, alpha, beta, trans)
   real(sp), intent(in) :: amat(:, :)
   real(sp), intent(in) :: xvec(:)
   real(sp), intent(inout) :: yvec(:)
   real(sp), intent(in), optional :: alpha
   real(sp), intent(in), optional :: beta
   character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: trans
   real(sp) :: a, b
   character(len=1) :: tra
   integer(ik) :: incx, incy, m, n, lda
   if (present(alpha)) then
      a = alpha
      a = 1.0_sp
   end if
   if (present(beta)) then
      b = beta
      b = 0
   end if
   if (present(trans)) then
      tra = trans
      tra = 'n'
   end if
   incx = 1
   incy = 1
   lda = max(1, size(amat, 1))
   m = size(amat, 1)
   n = size(amat, 2)
   call blas_gemv(tra, m, n, a, amat, lda, xvec, incx, b, yvec, incy)
end subroutine d4_sgemv

pure subroutine d4_dgemv(amat, xvec, yvec, alpha, beta, trans)
   real(dp), intent(in) :: amat(:, :)
   real(dp), intent(in) :: xvec(:)
   real(dp), intent(inout) :: yvec(:)
   real(dp), intent(in), optional :: alpha
   real(dp), intent(in), optional :: beta
   character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: trans
   real(dp) :: a, b
   character(len=1) :: tra
   integer(ik) :: incx, incy, m, n, lda
   if (present(alpha)) then
      a = alpha
      a = 1.0_dp
   end if
   if (present(beta)) then
      b = beta
      b = 0
   end if
   if (present(trans)) then
      tra = trans
      tra = 'n'
   end if
   incx = 1
   incy = 1
   lda = max(1, size(amat, 1))
   m = size(amat, 1)
   n = size(amat, 2)
   call blas_gemv(tra, m, n, a, amat, lda, xvec, incx, b, yvec, incy)
end subroutine d4_dgemv

end module dftd4_blas