! This file is part of dftd4. ! SPDX-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later ! ! dftd4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ! the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! dftd4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ! along with dftd4. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. module dftd4_reference use mctc_env, only : wp use mctc_io_symbols, only : to_number use dftd4_data, only : get_hardness, get_effective_charge implicit none private public :: get_nref, set_refcn, set_refgw public :: set_refq_eeq, set_refalpha_eeq, set_refq_gfn2, set_refalpha_gfn2 interface get_nref module procedure :: get_nref_sym module procedure :: get_nref_num end interface get_nref interface set_refcn module procedure :: set_refcn_sym module procedure :: set_refcn_num end interface set_refcn interface set_refgw module procedure :: set_refgw_sym module procedure :: set_refgw_num end interface set_refgw interface set_refq_eeq module procedure :: set_refq_eeq_sym module procedure :: set_refq_eeq_num end interface set_refq_eeq interface set_refalpha_eeq module procedure :: set_refalpha_eeq_sym module procedure :: set_refalpha_eeq_num end interface set_refalpha_eeq interface set_refq_gfn2 module procedure :: set_refq_gfn2_sym module procedure :: set_refq_gfn2_num end interface set_refq_gfn2 interface set_refalpha_gfn2 module procedure :: set_refalpha_gfn2_sym module procedure :: set_refalpha_gfn2_num end interface set_refalpha_gfn2 integer, parameter :: max_elem = 118 integer, dimension(max_elem) :: refn ! for D4 real(wp),dimension(7,max_elem) :: refq real(wp),dimension(7,max_elem) :: refh real(wp),dimension(7,max_elem) :: dftq,pbcq,gffq,clsq !solq real(wp),dimension(7,max_elem) :: dfth,pbch,gffh,clsh !solh real(wp),dimension(7,max_elem) :: hcount real(wp),dimension(7,max_elem) :: ascale real(wp),dimension(7,max_elem) :: refcovcn real(wp),dimension(7,max_elem) :: refcn integer, dimension(7,max_elem) :: refsys real(wp),dimension(23,7,max_elem) :: alphaiw real(wp),dimension(17) :: secq real(wp),dimension(17) :: sscale real(wp),dimension(17) :: seccn real(wp),dimension(17) :: seccnd3 real(wp),dimension(23,17) :: secaiw include 'reference.inc' contains !> Get number of references for a given element symbol elemental function get_nref_sym(sym) result(n) !> Element symbol character(len=*), intent(in) :: sym !> Number of references integer :: n n = get_nref(to_number(sym)) end function get_nref_sym !> Get number of references for a given atomic number elemental function get_nref_num(num) result(n) !> Atomic number integer, intent(in) :: num !> Number of references integer :: n if (num > 0 .and. num <= size(refn)) then n = refn(num) else n = 0 end if end function get_nref_num !> Set the reference coordination numbers for an element symbol pure subroutine set_refcn_sym(cn, sym) !> Reference coordination number real(wp), intent(out) :: cn(:) !> Element symbol character(len=*), intent(in) :: sym call set_refcn(cn, to_number(sym)) end subroutine set_refcn_sym !> Set the reference coordination numbers for an atomic number pure subroutine set_refcn_num(cn, num) !> Reference coordination number real(wp), intent(out) :: cn(:) !> Atomic number integer, intent(in) :: num integer :: ref cn(:) = 0.0_wp if (num > 0 .and. num <= size(refn)) then ref = get_nref(num) cn(:ref) = refcovcn(:ref, num) end if end subroutine set_refcn_num !> Set the number of gaussian weights for an element symbol pure subroutine set_refgw_sym(ngw, sym) !> Number of gaussian weights integer, intent(out) :: ngw(:) !> Element symbol character(len=*), intent(in) :: sym call set_refgw(ngw, to_number(sym)) end subroutine set_refgw_sym !> Set the number of gaussian weights for an atomic number pure subroutine set_refgw_num(ngw, num) !> Number of gaussian weights integer, intent(out) :: ngw(:) !> Atomic number integer, intent(in) :: num integer, parameter :: max_cn = 19 integer :: icn, ir, ref integer :: cnc(0:max_cn) ngw(:) = 1 if (num > 0 .and. num <= size(refn)) then ref = get_nref(num) cnc(:) = [1, spread(0, 1, max_cn)] do ir = 1, ref icn = min(nint(refcn(ir, num)), max_cn) cnc(icn) = cnc(icn) + 1 end do do ir = 1, ref icn = cnc(min(nint(refcn(ir, num)), max_cn)) ngw(ir) = icn*(icn+1)/2 end do end if end subroutine set_refgw_num !> Set the reference partial charges for an element symbol pure subroutine set_refq_eeq_sym(q, sym) !> Reference partial charge real(wp), intent(out) :: q(:) !> Element symbol character(len=*), intent(in) :: sym call set_refq_eeq(q, to_number(sym)) end subroutine set_refq_eeq_sym !> Set the reference partial charges for an atomic number pure subroutine set_refq_eeq_num(q, num) !> Reference partial charge real(wp), intent(out) :: q(:) !> Atomic number integer, intent(in) :: num integer :: ref q(:) = 0.0_wp if (num > 0 .and. num <= size(refn)) then ref = get_nref(num) q(:ref) = clsq(:ref, num) end if end subroutine set_refq_eeq_num !> Set the reference partial charges for an element symbol pure subroutine set_refq_gfn2_sym(q, sym) !> Reference partial charge real(wp), intent(out) :: q(:) !> Element symbol character(len=*), intent(in) :: sym call set_refq_gfn2(q, to_number(sym)) end subroutine set_refq_gfn2_sym !> Set the reference partial charges for an atomic number pure subroutine set_refq_gfn2_num(q, num) !> Reference partial charge real(wp), intent(out) :: q(:) !> Atomic number integer, intent(in) :: num integer :: ref q(:) = 0.0_wp if (num > 0 .and. num <= size(refn)) then ref = get_nref(num) q(:ref) = refq(:ref, num) end if end subroutine set_refq_gfn2_num !> Set the reference polarizibility for an element symbol pure subroutine set_refalpha_eeq_sym(alpha, ga, gc, sym) !> Reference polarizibility real(wp), intent(out) :: alpha(:, :) !> Maximum charge scaling height real(wp), intent(in) :: ga !> Charge scaling steepness real(wp), intent(in) :: gc !> Element symbol character(len=*), intent(in) :: sym call set_refalpha_eeq(alpha, ga, gc, to_number(sym)) end subroutine set_refalpha_eeq_sym !> Set the reference polarizibility for an atomic number pure subroutine set_refalpha_eeq_num(alpha, ga, gc, num) !> Reference polarizibility real(wp), intent(out) :: alpha(:, :) !> Maximum charge scaling height real(wp), intent(in) :: ga !> Charge scaling steepness real(wp), intent(in) :: gc !> Atomic number integer, intent(in) :: num integer :: ref integer :: ir, is real(wp) :: iz real(wp) :: aiw(23) alpha(:, :) = 0.0_wp if (num > 0 .and. num <= size(refn)) then ref = get_nref(num) do ir = 1, ref is = refsys(ir, num) if (abs(is) < 1e-12_wp) cycle iz = get_effective_charge(is) aiw = sscale(is)*secaiw(:, is) & & * zeta(ga, get_hardness(is)*gc, iz, clsh(ir, num)+iz) alpha(:, ir) = max(ascale(ir, num)*(alphaiw(:, ir, num) & & - hcount(ir, num)*aiw), 0.0_wp) end do end if end subroutine set_refalpha_eeq_num !> Set the reference polarizibility for an element symbol pure subroutine set_refalpha_gfn2_sym(alpha, ga, gc, sym) !> Reference polarizibility real(wp), intent(out) :: alpha(:, :) !> Maximum charge scaling height real(wp), intent(in) :: ga !> Charge scaling steepness real(wp), intent(in) :: gc !> Element symbol character(len=*), intent(in) :: sym call set_refalpha_gfn2(alpha, ga, gc, to_number(sym)) end subroutine set_refalpha_gfn2_sym !> Set the reference polarizibility for an atomic number pure subroutine set_refalpha_gfn2_num(alpha, ga, gc, num) !> Reference polarizibility real(wp), intent(out) :: alpha(:, :) !> Maximum charge scaling height real(wp), intent(in) :: ga !> Charge scaling steepness real(wp), intent(in) :: gc !> Atomic number integer, intent(in) :: num integer :: ref integer :: ir, is real(wp) :: iz real(wp) :: aiw(23) alpha(:, :) = 0.0_wp if (num > 0 .and. num <= size(refn)) then ref = get_nref(num) do ir = 1, ref is = refsys(ir, num) if (abs(is) < 1e-12_wp) cycle iz = get_effective_charge(is) aiw = sscale(is)*secaiw(:, is) & & * zeta(ga, get_hardness(is)*gc, iz, refh(ir, num)+iz) alpha(:, ir) = max(ascale(ir, num)*(alphaiw(:, ir, num) & & - hcount(ir, num)*aiw), 0.0_wp) end do end if end subroutine set_refalpha_gfn2_num !> charge scaling function elemental function zeta(a, c, qref, qmod) real(wp), intent(in) :: a real(wp), intent(in) :: c real(wp), intent(in) :: qref real(wp), intent(in) :: qmod real(wp) :: zeta intrinsic :: exp if (qmod < 0.0_wp) then zeta = exp( a ) else zeta = exp( a * ( 1.0_wp - exp( c * ( 1.0_wp - qref/qmod ) ) ) ) endif end function zeta end module dftd4_reference